Ahem.... Excuse me kind sir........

you add diversity alright! LOL

you just never help yourself do you :hehe:

Ive given up, phuck it :hehe:

Atleast I dont have roid rage like kyle, or have as many woman problems as tank :hehe:
I think 24 Marshall amps saturated the audio on the little camcorder a touch. LOL

You think? I subscribe to Guitar world on line and on paper.
Quality magizine, but I would think that they would have had better quality sound. Oh well it was in Italy I think. Maybe thats how music sounds over there.

Also James Hetfield is lame.
Fukk you. I am not going to be delicate. EVA !!!!!

You like to clean stuff , Go clean it. LOL

Workin on it- beyotch.....



Damn that's purdy. Jeff, better polish em. He'll cry about em being dirty. :lolly:
