And the fun begins


New member
Apr 25, 2006
It`s 1am mon.the 3rd..Motor is out!!!!! What a f!@#en job!!!:bang :bang :rules: :rules: :banned: :banned:
Glad to know you guys are getting the bullet back together. How many beers did it take to pull of the job?
That's a job Amy, but at least it's done now, going back in is lots more fun :D
soon too come!

:dead-horse-fast2: Tim did this one with no beer,memory is bad enough without it.:doh: Will be back better than ever:ylsuper: :woohoo: More to come
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FYI guys this is not my thread!! :blahblah1: Steve actually did this one on his own.:bow: In fact I just found it myself. He's the 1 liner!! I went to bed way before he got it out!

But, it's out now!:rockwoot: I will tell him to make sure to sign his posts from now on.
