Another Headache

BgBlDodge said:
Um, you don't want my electrical help. All the wires in my truck are red and when I get mad I just start cutting stuff. LOL I say burn it and claim the insurance. LOL


well me and you are about in the same boat when it comes to eletrical ! i won't just start chopping but i am by no means a eletrical guy. as far as insurance its a paid off 96 it just has liabilty on it i figure what ever i hit will suffer a lot more then my truck. so i don't think i would gain much on the insurance job LOL but yes buring it has crossed my mind ! it is a LOOOOOONG walk to work so i think i will fix it for now. :eek:wned:
no luck yet but stilll searching.
gee i really hate eletrical problems it is like hunting the invisible man.
oh but on the up side found a few other little things that could have turned into a problem just have not found the majic wire just yet.
I'll trade ya..
In conoco 2 minutes getting coffee this AM and return to find a dinner plate size puddle under my truck.. WTF?? Stick my finger in it and it appears to be PS fluid. Drank 2 bottles today.
It just never stops.
hey i can do leaks no problem i see the leak i fix the leak done deal. hunting stuff you can't see sucks. i thought i found it but nope so i keep looking . i have already gone through all the bad words i know at least 3 time now so i must be getting close to finding my problem.
i have been reading in a lot of forums and it seems the ESS always fixes everyone's but my problem a few have had some other issues but none have been as lucky as me and had this much of a problem. but i will win one day even if i have to change the whole dang engine harness out .