Any one use injectors from Beans

I don't really want to have to go to court on this one but..
I called him today after he was close cuz I could earlier but I asked him to call me back and let me know what he is willing to do for me, so we will see what happens and go from there
I hate to just go to court that is everyones easy way out now a days but This is really putting a hurtin on me that isn't my faut. I figure I will give him a chance out of court to be a man about it.
I just now seen this, not sure if you called me about it or not but dont remember talking to anyone about this.

The top orings I will say we have had some issues with in the past, we no longer buy orings from that supplier due to this. BUT, the top orings have NOTHING to do with fuel, they only keep HPO from leaking back to the crankcase.

Here is what your problem is/was, you had two bent push rods on the same cylinder. This does not allow fuel to get out, it gets in by way of the injector but cant get out so it goes by the rings to the pan. The knock you heard was fuel know from the cylinder being full of fuel and not being able to fire. The low oil pressure is probably due to the lifters on the cylinder no longer being in thier holes, they were probly spit out if the pr's broke. This causes a oil pressure drop in the upper half of the engine, where the sensor is.

PM LukeCline about this because he had the very same exact problem and his rod was also bent on that cylinder. I dont think you had an install problem I think it was just an unfortunate thing of bending pr's.

Here's where you screwed up, while you had the heads off there should off been better springs installed and none of this would of happened. A simple 90.00 set of COMP 910-16 valve springs would of saved the pr's.

Let me knw if there is anything I can do for ya and I will help you out however I can.