Any one want o buy an almost finished 2.6 truck??????

I have a different outlook than the rest, how about u pay me $1,000 and I will take that white, hoodstacked, soiled wagon off your hands.
Hold up you Rich Mafuggers. This ain't Barrett Jackson. We poor folk around here. lol
Got to love big projects, can't wait till o go to start mine.

I'll bid 1500.10, could use another bench in the shop.
I'm with Brandon, But I am a little cheaper....Give me $999 and you won't have to look at it anymore.
Could it be the Exhaust seals?
And if this is like the turbo he sold your probably going to get a Ford Ranger that he thought was a Dodge Cummins!
On a serious note, if you just built the motor could it be the oil from assembly? Not sure how much you have run it or the amount of tear down that you had done...
Maybe, just maybe the oil smells really burnt cause it's fuel???
Call me silly if you like, but you could just have an injector or two dripping at the nozzles. The unburned fuel that comes out the exhaust will be very black.

Do you always need to start it on ether?

Don't sell it. Finish it.
Ah, I see how it is.....although Brandons deal sounds kinda good......

Anyways, Im almost positive its all fuel comming out the turbo. When I went back tonight, most of it had evaporated and was just leaving a nasty film.

Now the big question is...Where is that comming from? Im gonna yank an injector and see if somehow they got gumed up or something.

Or is there some way the the pump is not puting out enough pressure, but stull pumping fuel? I did find that my P-pump oil feed was leaking pretty good, but could this cause an over fueling problem? Maybe a fuel leak somewhere in the return causing this??????
Yeah I was gonna say Jeff..that turbo was on my truck for quite a few miles with no issues at all..and when it came off my truck it was bone dry and I would say problem is not coming from the turbo...unless you did some "tweaking" on it before you installed it.

Let me know what you come up with man :rockwoot:..good luck
Wish I had a dollar every time I beat my head on the hood, I've got some stories for you.......TS in 06' was a PITA, I drove my Sonoma there after I quit the Dodge.

Hmm...I should've asked the question I was thinking earlier...Where's the timing set?

set it back to what it was before I puller the motor (20*). But Im now thinking it sliped somehow.....but I dont have a timing set to check it!!!!!!!!
Could be...I was figuring you had it advanced pretty far, and it wasn't making enough heat to burn correctly on the fresh start.

Could be slipped pretty far as well. You could use the timing pins in the pump and timing cover to set it at "stock" and see what happens.

I might end up doing that. Just to see if it staert. It would be nice to set it there anyway to try and get some easy miles on the motor.