Any Snap-On dealers here?


Dead Eye Firearms LLC
Sep 17, 2007
I recently bought a BK5500W wireless inspection scope and need the smaller head for it to fit into the diesel bore. The part number I need is BK5500-13. I do not know any Snap-On guys, and without just cold calling one I figured I would check on here and see if anyone happens to be one or know one. Here is a link to the part I need.
I already talked to him, no dice. He is no longer a dealer or I would have already ordered from him.
Travis my dad can get it from the snap on guy that comes into his shop.
Thanks guys. I mainly don't want to pay full retail, but will if I have to. Leonard have him check on a price. On the Snap-On webpage it is out of stock, but shipped to me with tax is $280. I am looking for lower than that, how much lower is naturally the best deal I can get.
Contact Mason-Dixon Member Wes Dimig(WDimig) as he is a Snap-On tool dealer and he lives out in Frederick,MD.

I will PM you his cell number........Andy.
Thanks guys for reminding me to let all know that I ordered one from Wes. Thanks Andy for his information.

I wish i would have thought of this before.

Got any craftsman dealers here LOL

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