Anybody in milwaukee area for gsk help? I've geffen sitting


Stunt Squid
Mar 26, 2009
I've been sitting on a 4k gsk for months as its a bit intimidating...anybody willing to lend a hand in my area?
Man, just dive into it, it's not that hard. Just follow the instructions exactly, make sure to remove all the shims, and make sure to get the stud nut/cap/retainer things even on both sides. I used a digital caliper, it's a little better than clicks.
The thing that scares me is this is a daily driver...I do have a zero plate slid all the way forward and who knows where the star wheel is adjusted...

Needless to say the truck runs perfect right now...I keep reading things about people having a nightmare trying to get theirs to run right after the GSK...
First time I did mine I ran them in initiation +5 clicks and it jacked up the idle, made it real touchy, etc.
Since then I went with Smokem's mod'd 4k arrangement. Then, and now everytime I play with them, I go initiation +3 to start.
I like the mention by mike of using a caliper. I'll do that next time, but +3 should keep your idle close to what it was before. Then drive it, and turn them another click in or out depending on how it acts.

Just don't drop anything down in the pump. I got lucky and fished out a washer. Good telescoping magnet is a must.

Also, I got at mine from the top as the side nut will not break loose. It's easier in some respects, but gravity likes to jump the fence from friend to enemy real quick.

on edit;

Get yourself a disposable wiiiide blade screwdriver. Grind the center section away so you have a U instead of normal. Fork blade goes around the stud to turn the nut.