Anyone hotshot


No spark plugs
Aug 29, 2006
I was thinking of looking for work hotshotting. I have extra time on my hands and a few trailers that I can use. I am located in Miami, Fl.
let me know if you headed to the west coast after the first of feb
i hotshot for myself.
got busted last week for not having my trucks lisenced right.
they are now DOT & have my TXDOT #'s on the doors.
damn they are cracking down on this crap!
It's about time they crack down. All the "crap" that's running is killing the market. Good O'le boys run'n 100 bucks a month insurance that don't have a clue of how much $$ it takes to keep a truck in working order are killing the businesses that do. Driving Insurance up because they won't buy REAL insurance. Hell, most don't even have a clue of Cargo Insurance. ANYTHING the Insurance folks "see" as a carrier accident, insured or not, affects insurance rates. These guys that run part-time uninsured for 1/2 the money..... well, it's just not right.

......I say, let'em burn. Let the DOT go crazy.
if you do it legal there is no money in it i know my dad did it legal and wont do it again hotshoting that is P. hotshoting is hauling trailers or cargo like the big rigs do but with your pickem up truck
How was your truck licensed wrong and what all is required to keep everything "legal"?
i got stopped and didn't have a damn TXDOT cab card, just like you need in a big truck.

i since, have cab cards for all my one tons & DOT numbers on each with a DOT inspection sticker. damn, TX is makin some money & i'm not making a dime!

i do NOT hotshot to make money, i do it for fun, i love being on the road pullin a waggon.
haha, nah there just is NO money in this.
yeah i make money, but it goes right back to truck/cargo insurance & fuel.
example. last night, i made $500 to go from gonzales to ganedo to alice and to gonzales. fuel alone wost me $300 cause i was using my damn 6.0. if it was my dodge, it woulda only cost about $180. then cargo insurance SUCKS!!!
just wondering but have any of yall pulled trailer for sundowner,exciss or sooner or any other type of company like that i have seen a lot of them around.
I was looking to do this too, but to do it part time just isn't cost effective it seems.. you'd have to do it full time to pay for the insurance and DOT stuff and still make $$$

I do know o fa guy who runs 3 trucks in his business hauling cars -- makes some okay money, but not great. The money in hotshotting is in Oil Field. CM - my father works for Chesapeake and told me that to run equip from OKC out west to Elk City was upwards of $1000.
i am in oil field.
nuff said haha.

and cm_cows, those are probably owned trailers. those companies normally wouldn't need hot shotters
I hear ya ChaseN -- I was wanting to try to get into hotshotting while I am off of work = about 15 days a month.
honestly, not worth it blue.

i personally love being on road draggin a waggon only reason i do it.
yup, me too -- but the wife said

and yah, I don't enough time or money to make it profitable
i love both the 6.0 & the 5.9 but i must say,
i can literally go DOUBLE the distance draggin the same waggon with my dodge vs my ford.

in a 700 mile trip, with my dodge i fill up when first leave then once during the trip to make it home.

in a 700 mile trip, with my ford, i fill up when i first leave, then every 200 miles after that!!!!!!