Anyone running a Electronic boost controller?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Just wondering if anyone on here uses one. I have a Greedy Spec V new in the box at the house I was thinking of installing.
I would like to see if you could rig it to work like a two step in a turbo gas car. Press a button, flat foot it, and see if it would hold it at 25-30# of boost until you release the button. Consistent launches that could be tuned for any track condition would be cool.
Not sure My current model will do the boost lauch stuff. I have had it for a while, I have been procrastinating installing it on my car. One look at the wonderful S300 wastegate setup, I sure could use it on the truck. LOL
I asked this same question a couple years ago and didn't get much in response. Definatly something I have been interested in and will prob look into toying with one day. It would be awesome to hear some first hand experience though.
I am going to do the install this weekend. I just don't feel like messing with that stupid S300 wastegate.
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I would like to see if you could rig it to work like a two step in a turbo gas car. Press a button, flat foot it, and see if it would hold it at 25-30# of boost until you release the button. Consistent launches that could be tuned for any track condition would be cool.

I used to have a dual stage boost controller in one of my turboed cars, That i used like that. I'd have it set at a lower psi for launching through second to keep from spinning, then hit a button and go to the higher psi setting. It worked pretty well.