ATS Towing Twins.... What Converter to match?


Jun 5, 2006
I have a guy who wants to upgrade tranny, he has a 04.5 CR Cummins Dodge and has 35" Tires. Anybody one this set of twins from ATS?

A3000 upper with A5000 lower

Is this a tight set of twins where you could get away with lower stall speed converter say 91% or would you have to keep it looser to guarantee good spool based on the tires and trans?

89% / 1900 rpm is always safe...
I don't know bout twins but my 89% DTT spools my single like it's a factory turbo and I can imagine it would work perfect for a 62/s400 set of twins. Personally, I'd rather have my converter just a tick on the loose side for around town so that way it wouldn't be a smokey monster.
id say 89% at the most for that setup. i know a guy who has that setup.