Attn Michael Hotrod "wannabe" diesels

why all fuel. its not everyone elses falt you didnt put :nos: in the thing. come on your calling people out let them run what they brung.
I got enough NOS on board to split 2 Cummings blocks:kick:
somebody needs to back away from the bottle.


uhmm that is too small for this much smack talk, find a 1.5 liter bottle:Cheer:
any of you clowns that want some just show up at the track on May 7th and come get you some, fuel only and place your bet!!!.

I cant make TS with the truck, But still thinking of flying out with the fam. If I don't I will bet you fuel only, best of 4 or any number of races under that mark in one night.
I cant make TS with the truck, But still thinking of flying out with the fam. If I don't I will bet you fuel only, best of 4 or any number of races under that mark.
This ain't the TS race forum:poke:
and if you feel ballsy enough to match her weight name your price!!!
This ain't the TS race forum:poke:
and if you feel ballsy enough to match her weight name your price!!!

Fuel only you called it yourself.......... We would be racing the same class at the events anyway. Wait we can throw a couple fat chicks in my truck bed :cheer: Hell might 60 ft better.
So when all the big dawgs are in Tucky your gonna go make passes at hrp???? Come on now
I cant afford to take off the work to go. Would be a 6 day deal driving out comfortably without shift work behind the wheel.
David wants to win, so he will be in Texas while all the fast $hit will be in KY LOL
Hmmmm...big tires and 5800 lbs vs street tires and 7800 lbs fuel only.
I'll take that bet. :poke:
Might have to bring the truck back to Tx just to watch it smack the $hit out of snow white!
We can do that the weekend before TS. No reason to make 2 trips. LOL