auto pulling

I bet i dont even have 300hp

So i should just do 2nd locked then

2nd gear will be a little slow with 4:10's probably depending on the sled you are pulling.

Here is my truck with 3:55's in 2nd gear locked. This sled is heavy right from the get go, so its hard to get speed with, but you can tell my RPM's are about right, and I still had plenty of power to keep them turning over at the end with some good biting 285's. This is around 340hp.

With 4:10's and a sled that allows you to get some decent speed(what i call a "running sled"), you might be fine in 3rd gear and then unlocking it at the end when the weight hits. You should be right around 300hp I would imagine. 2nd gear with 4:10's will probably run you out of RPM.

Here is my truck (at the 2:00 mark) with about the same HP with a running sled. My converter never locked here due to the pump in my tranny being hurt some when i broke my stock input shaft:

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I just used the gear calculator chart that is stickied at the top of the pulling section.

2nd gear with 3.54's and 32" tires at 3000rpm is 20.46mph - Thats about what my truck is running down the track with a running sled


3rd gear with 4.10's and 32" tires at 2400rpm is 20.49mph

So, you would be giving up 600rpm in order to run 3rd gear with 4.10's as opposed to 3.54's and 2nd gear at the same MPH.

If you wanted to run 2nd gear with 4.10's and get to 20mph, you would need to be turning right at 3500rpm.

Hope that helps some.

How should i try 3rd locked-put it in drive and flip the switch as soon as it hits 3rd/shift it manually then lock/or try 2nd locked and shift to 3rd if i run out of rpm's
Wouldn't i be fueling pretty good around 2400 rpm's with my 3000 GKS or does the extra rpm's help and also whats the max rpm of a stock cummins cuz i dont think i could even turn 3500 rpm's

One more thing do i need to wire my switch Lock/Auto/Unlock or just leave it Lock/Unlock

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Put it in drive, lock out OD, and roll into it. When you get in 3rd gear lock it up. When the pan drops and it starts to lug you down unlock the converter. You want to keep the wheels spinning at the end.
I always shift manually but I guess its personal preference. Sometimes they shift too fast if you let them shift on their own. I lock the converter as soon as mine hits 2nd gear.

As far as unlocking it, I have kept mine locked until it was down fairly low in the RPM's before. Just unlock it when the truck sounds like its falling down too low in the RPM's. You can tell.

Alright cool thanks for the all the advice now I just need traction bars and bump stops and i'll be ready to give it a try

How far do you guys usually pull
Completely depends on the sled, what gear the sled is in, how much weight is in the box, the type of track, etc.... You will go a different distance everytime. The distance you pull will only be relevant to the people you are pulling against that night. Its a lot of fun though even if you dont do that well, and its just like anything else. You have to work at it if you want to do well.

I understand that the only time I pulled was with a buddies 1990 Ford IDI at a local fair i got 196ft i think the winner had like 330 something but it was fun as hell though

Thanks again for all the help i hope it all works out for me
what would be the speed on 33 tires 3.54 gears what do you think my hp should be at