Avatar file size


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
What's up with the 7.8K avatar size?

doesn't look like only sponsors are getting bigger in file size ones.
Best I remember, it's 180x180 pixel with the avatar, the only time file size comes into play is .gif's and the like. If someone wants a larger one al they have to do is PM a mod for approval and have us place it for you. The purpose of the small size is to keep the server load and page load time down. And yes, I know you are perfectly well aware of the reasons Jason, but others reading this might not be.

One word of advice though, if you want a larger avatar, it had best be really good looking, really funny, or fully intended to stir up crap. If you have any doubts, just look at displacedtexan's! :D
I've been told it's the Avatar dude. From the cartoon. And his pet monkey thing...
I cant get anything I have tried to upload to work. I even tried the one I use on another forum. Even the stock ava's dont work for me.
Shoot me the pic you want to use via e-mail, or attach it to a post here and I'll gladly take care of it. bg at competitiondiesel dot com.

I don't know you well enough to give you a displaced texan style one yet LOL LOL
One more word of advice, if you are going to e-mail me or any of the other mods a pic for this purpose, please include the user name, I do not have enough time to try searching the member list for a certain e-mail address.