Bad pump or ???


New member
Apr 16, 2011
My buddy complained of his truck being slow, and he was just not happy with the performance. He already had efi and me still learning and curious, asked him to data log a couple runs for me, just to see if I could find some clues as to whats going on. (For some reason I like looking at data logs, pretty neat stuff)

Well the first thing that jumped out and hit me was his rail pressure...or lack there of.

I would be under the impression this is a bad pump. Its a stock pump running 50hp sticks with around 2600ms duration.

Im thinking his pump took a dump for sure, any thoughts guys?

For the record I do not write any tunes..never have (yet) so I could be missing something. And sorry if its a dumb question, I just wanted some verification.

Thanks all.

See attached pic
Looks like it. I bet if he rolls the throttle on slowly he can build pressure somewhat, but when he drops the hammer it nose dives huh?
He sent me a 30mph roll log and it was the same, always ran low....dont know how gentle he rolled on though I never payed attention to that.

Also I literally just found out a shop told him today #5 body was cracked....this may be the true problem.

I told him to get it checked after he "made" oil yesterday, he said it did not smell like fuel but I doubted that.

Data logs are awesome!
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Can't really say, the tune may be asking for way too much duration that a great pump could not handle. There is a balance between psi, duration, and power. Try to data log duration and mm3 also as this will help the over all picture.
Can't really say, the tune may be asking for way too much duration that a great pump could not handle. There is a balance between psi, duration, and power. Try to data log duration and mm3 also as this will help the over all picture.

Is it this? (see attached pic) It looked fine to me duration wise for the injector size as far as the pump being able to keep up if it was in good shape. Obviously now we know he had a cracked body and Im pretty sure that was the prob but Id still like to know if this is what you were referring me to log...still learning. :thankyou2:
