bag of parts fca throwing codes


Jun 8, 2008
Has anyone had a problem with II bag of parts kit throwing any codes. I had a fca code and a inj code pop up a couple of times and was wondering if it was the new fca or if I really do have a problem. The dealer scanned my truck and everything came up all right but he isn't sure if it is so I was just wondering if anybody else had problems like this. I'd give you the codes but they were erased after the scan and I forgot to write them down. Any opinions would be great.
Has anyone had a problem with II bag of parts kit throwing any codes. I had a fca code and a inj code pop up a couple of times and was wondering if it was the new fca or if I really do have a problem. The dealer scanned my truck and everything came up all right but he isn't sure if it is so I was just wondering if anybody else had problems like this. I'd give you the codes but they were erased after the scan and I forgot to write them down. Any opinions would be great.

Put you stock FCA back in and see what happens.... some trucks dont like a aggressive FCA cut.... If it still dose it after you put the stock one in, try changing the cascade valve back to the stock one and see what happens.

My guess is the FCA though....