Banks drag d-max


New member
Aug 31, 2006
I was crusing the net and decided to go over to the banks site for a good laugh and was reading about there d-max drag truck.Has anyone heard anything new about this truck ? will it be the first in the 7s ? who is the fastest in the class the banks truck would run in?
Greg Hogue drives the truck (COMP461 here)...ask him.
Most of us believe that truck will never race a DHRA or NHRDA event.

I'm not bashing Greg for that...he'll run where Banks says to....but I'd like to see it at real diesel events.
I'd be curious if there's an expected "premier" date for this thing yet.

I haven't heard anything from Greg in awhile about their testing...
Greg? Any new news?
I missed a call from Greg today. I'll shout at him tomorrow after I get settled at work and see what is going on.
Who knows, they may make us eat our words. How many times have you seen an actual banks stand at a diesel event? Only time I saw one was on the hotrod power tour in 05....they had a Cummins, Duramax and PSD truck painted red, those sidewinder packages they offered or something.......but never seen them appear at a diesel event.
They were in Moab last year at the Easter Jeep Safari.

Had diesel stuff, gas stuff, etc.
Greggie s readying PJX for the Texas mile in a few weeks........ He was oddly quiet about the Type-d.....Hmmmmmm
hmm.... he was so braggy braggy about it a few months ago....
I got a tour of the Banks facility last year, that truck was there then, I don't see what is taking so long. Come to think about it it was over a year ago, weird.
What timbeaux was realy thinkin.....

Timbeaux38 said:
Greggie s readying PJX for the Texas mile in a few weeks........ He was oddly quiet about the Type-d.....Hmmmmmm

Timbeaux38 said:
Greggie s readying PJX for the Texas mile in a few weeks........ He was odd, never quiet, and always bragin.....Hmmmmmm

I fixed it for ya Tim!!! LOL :hehe: LOL
moparlvr said:
I was crusing the net and decided to go over to the banks site for a good laugh and was reading about there d-max drag truck.Has anyone heard anything new about this truck ? will it be the first in the 7s ? who is the fastest in the class the banks truck would run in?

Well, as they said..Greg is the pilot of that truck if there is a driver that can do it, Greg can. If you like Banks or not, you have to admit..The truck looks mean, Hopefully we will see it run.
CumminAtYa said:
Who knows, they may make us eat our words. How many times have you seen an actual banks stand at a diesel event? Only time I saw one was on the hotrod power tour in 05....they had a Cummins, Duramax and PSD truck painted red, those sidewinder packages they offered or something.......but never seen them appear at a diesel event.

I am glad you asked that question!!:rockwoot:

As a matter of fact, the last event I personally saw any Banks Race/Drag Truck at was at the "ATS Truckfest" in Denver, Colorado in July of 2003.
At that event, the Banks LSR Sidewinder Truck Drag Raced the Bentz Diesel Dragster and LOST!! Here is a video of that drag race:

I have probably made Greg mad by posting this, but at least he was not driving or working for them at the time.

Yep, I remember replaying that video almost endlessly....I needed a good laugh the day I first saw it!

All jokes aside, I think banks can step up. However, how many of the products that they build this drag truck with will be their very own, engineered in-house AND available to the public at a reasonable cost? I bet the answer is very few, and very much.
John_P said:

I am glad you asked that question!!:rockwoot:

As a matter of fact, the last event I personally saw any Banks Race/Drag Truck at was at the "ATS Truckfest" in Denver, Colorado in July of 2003.
At that event, the Banks LSR Sidewinder Truck Drag Raced the Bentz Diesel Dragster and LOST!! Here is a video of that drag race:

I have probably made Greg mad by posting this, but at least he was not driving or working for them at the time.


Well that certainly doesn't match this description?::poke:

Funniest article on the face of the diesel planet:

For those who don't like to read much, here's some of the highlights:

So how did it run? The best run was 12.167 seconds at 115.10mph. That was good enough to make it the quickest diesel pickup at the event.


We learned something else too: Banks' business competitors like to talk, but when it came time to actually run at a sanctioned event, they were nowhere to be found.

Are you ****in ****tin me???!!!


The funny thing is Gale didn't think the big green school bus was anything to worry about at truck fest a few years ago when they had the Sidewinder there. I spoke to Gale directly about letting me run next to him which he stated sure why not. Well it never happend and the sidewinder went on to run a 12.16, Well guess what Greg my 7000lbs truck with 36" tires ran a 11.79 that day.
I have spoken to a Banks representative about this situation. The last he told me was that he would look into it and see what he could find. I have not spoken to him since. I did invite him onto CompD though.
I don't remember who said it, but it was funny as hell. They said that Banks couldn't cut it in the gasser world so he had to jump over to diesels.. If it weren't for his wonders in marketing, he'd be kicked out of the diesel world too :hehe: .