Banks Reluctantly withdraws Indy Dieselnationals entry

C'mon guys...cut them some slack. They have been showing us pics of destroyed tranny parts. I've been with Keating when we have had to back out of an event due to 'part limitations being exceeded'.....and it sucks. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.
Guys, back off.... Banks and all of us have all entered races knowing we were wounded, or unable to win. It is all about showing up and having fun. John Robinson was a great example last year at the Truckfest. He came, wounded, and without a high altitude tuneup. One converter after another, and still no luck. We still had a ball...

I am sure that Banks will have their issues sorted out by Truckfest time. At this time, I have no idea if we can even run a car down the track.

Looking forward to all of you showing up and enjoying the thin air.

Aloah from Hawaii..... Just married off the daughter, and heading back to Denver with the family....
I was hoping to see them here at the track tonight like alot of the other top teams. Guess I'll have to wait till the next go round.
Ok.. I am sorry... :banned:

Too much cranberry in my vodka last night...:bang
If this was any other race team besides Banks, everyone would be supportive and tell them good luck in working out the teething issues. (Which there are in just about every new race car) But now it's turned into Banks doesn't want to show up and lose. Weird how that works. I hope the Banks team gets everything worked out and can make it to an event soon, winning or not. $.02
Thanks to those being supportive - you guys know what goes on when you're shaking out a new car, especially one that's completely one-of-a-kind. Frustrating as hell. It'll be up and running again soon, though - stronger, and even faster.

And for everyone else talking sh!t - the usual, pull your heads out. We wanted to be running in Indy today, and at TS last month - we weren't thrashing for two months straight to 'not show up if it wasn't a sure win'. Bite me. Thanks. ;)
And for everyone else talking sh!t - the usual, pull your heads out. We wanted to be running in Indy today, and at TS last month - we weren't thrashing for two months straight to 'not show up if it wasn't a sure win'. Bite me. Thanks. ;)

awesome, I like it.

I'm the last person in the world to say I like banks, I dont, sorry. BUT, its a new car. Its gonna have problems. I would chaulk that up to bad timing and besides, a line up is gonna happen someday, even IF Banks didnt want it to happen.

I say, good luck getting it fixed. Get it figured out and make them work for their victory. I SUCKS seeing these vehices make exhibition passes because like 5 rails exsist. Besides, if it werent for **** talkers, a victory wouldnt taste quite so sweet.
i cant believe people are still laying this crap down.

i gotta say, if those guys say they are going to a race, they are, and it would take a bigger pill to swallow to make a statement about not showing, than it would to just lose a race side by side to the fastest diesel on the planet. let me know when you guys go testing, i'd love to come spectate!
Whats that saying? If it requires tuning or tenderness, its gonna be trouble?
You guys wanna give someone hell, give it to me, I thought I would be ready for the TS race LAST YEAR, and I still didn't make it this year, and I guarantee that Dragster is a hell of a lot more work than my truck. Whenever it gets done, I'm looking forward to seeing it and the guys who built it at the track.
You guys wanna give someone hell, give it to me, I thought I would be ready for the TS race LAST YEAR, and I still didn't make it this year, and I guarantee that Dragster is a hell of a lot more work than my truck. Whenever it gets done, I'm looking forward to seeing it and the guys who built it at the track.

Okay, get your truck finished! Or are you scared of going to a race you might not be able to win? :kick: All I've seen from you, is running around the TS open house this year with "mud" on your shorts. :hehe: Bring an extra pair or two of pants when you do drive it, you're gonna make a mess of the drivers seat. ;)
Thanks to those being supportive - you guys know what goes on when you're shaking out a new car, especially one that's completely one-of-a-kind. Frustrating as hell. It'll be up and running again soon, though - stronger, and even faster.

And for everyone else talking sh!t - the usual, pull your heads out. We wanted to be running in Indy today, and at TS last month - we weren't thrashing for two months straight to 'not show up if it wasn't a sure win'. Bite me. Thanks. ;)

Whats the issue you guys are dealing with? Still tranny?
I think we also have to take into account that the Banks Crew all have a full time job to do during the day, so just like 99.9% of all racers most of the work is done after hours.
To all those that wanted to see the rail and truck at Indy (or TS for that matter), I'm sorry we couldn't make it. Matt and I, along with every other guy on the team and some that aren't "official" worked to not only get the rail together, but to test it and rebuild it when it broke.

Wes is getting pretty good at, not only driving the rail, but pulling the trans out for a rebuild. I know, I know, it's scary when a driver gets a wrench in his hand, but Wes is plenty capable.

As for the two months plus spent building and testing, spending weekends away from family and friends, working for weeks straight, it's all part of racing, and I know there are many here that know how it feels. None of this new car, shake down, voodoo is easy. If it was easy, everyone would have a car that ran 6.XX ET and 200+...but it's really not. And driving home from our old stomping grounds in Wittmann, AZ or our new friends in Bakersfield, CA isn't what anyone would call easy; three hours isn't bad, but six is FUN!! *Warning: Sarcasm*

I look forward to getting out and testing some more with the rail and all the guys and seeing fellow CompD members at events, shows, and even just driving around. I seem to recall a certain bushy haired fellow stopping by a while back...but that could be crazy talk.

When it's ready, it'll be ready, and it'll put on probably one of the better shows of all the vehicles out there...but we have to wait 'til it's finished and at least pretty well dialed before we really pull the sheet off and show her to the world. No sense showing up in a car that looks real nice but can't make it past 1000 foot when we could be working to make it better.

Thanks for the support guys, we look forward to seeing you all at the track...yes, even you guys that don't like us. You never know, maybe you'll take a free hat or something, even if you just light it on fire. (NOTE: This is in no way a suggestion and I would not recommend it...Fire is cool and all, but let's keep it away from the race cars.)

EDIT: And Sheldon's right. Not one guy on the crew is ONLY a race crew member. We all have stuff to do during the day; and when that stuff isn't done, the racing can't really happen. We have to make money with product to spend money on racing. It would be lovely to work full time as a crew member of a race team, but it's just not feasible nowadays, at least not in our sport.

Have fun out there guys,

The hats were at the last NHRDA Diesels in the Desert event. We had a bunch of black and red BanksPower hats and the puff style stickers we were handing out. People were sad to hear they were only small/medium Flex-Fits, but they fit a lot of people decent, specially the kiddies.

Just one more way of getting the Kool-Aid in, we've developed a proprietary infusement method similar to the nicotine patches, except ours are hats...I know, we're evil.

I'll make sure we have more the next time we head out so when everyone's on camera talking about how well the Taco Bell Coors Light MBRP Wonder Bread Home Depot Torco Racing Fuels Diesel Race Car was running, we can get our little spot in, even if you don't know what to do with your hands.


The hats were at the last NHRDA Diesels in the Desert event. We had a bunch of black and red BanksPower hats and the puff style stickers we were handing out. People were sad to hear they were only small/medium Flex-Fits, but they fit a lot of people decent, specially the kiddies.

Just one more way of getting the Kool-Aid in, we've developed a proprietary infusement method similar to the nicotine patches, except ours are hats...I know, we're evil.

I'll make sure we have more the next time we head out so when everyone's on camera talking about how well the Taco Bell Coors Light MBRP Wonder Bread Home Depot Torco Racing Fuels Diesel Race Car was running, we can get our little spot in, even if you don't know what to do with your hands.

can't... :hehe: breathe... :hehe: laughing... :hehe: can't see... :hehe: tears running everywhere... :hehe:
