Bastards got me again!!!


Stock SUCKS!!!!
Dec 18, 2006
2nd time this year. Same thing, but this time not as much damage. Broke passenger side window and stole my radio. This time they cut themselves and left blood, so that is one good thing. But that is not the kicker of the whole thing............................ they took my damn SCT!!!! That is the worst part of this whole thing. Good thing i love driving with the looney tune.
Dang, that sucks. Where do yo live? I'll be sure to stay away from them parts.

At least you can have happy thoughts about them cutting their stupid self on your truck.

George haven't figured out yet that where you currently live is the asshole of the US ?
Nothing but criminals around there........
motherf*cker, that sucks! had that happen, they got away with like 5k worth of electronics..... but, they left my SCT.
Hey Matt,

Now I know what your screen name is. Again ... sorry to hear it.

Atleast you weren't back to stock :Cheer:

The only drawback to that would be if you needed out of you vehicle(trapped). How you going to smash it out?
exactly what i was thinking vivian!:st:

Oh yea i'm in Mobile right now and can't wait to get back to TEXAS next week.
Mooring Product said:
Do you think CSI will run the DNA?

unless its s murder i dont think they will spend the thousands to do soo, but yet again i had my window smashed with a cribbage board.. long story, but they caught him by fingerprints. but blood work is pretty pricey, If they do catch him let us know, a public stoning is in order. LOL
Get an alarm system and hook it up to the train horns that will teach them
They've broken my window twice this year already. Trust me I know how you feel. The best part is both times nothin was stolen cause I never leave stuff in my truck. I even have a stock radio. I just have a love hate relationship with Miami.
Me, Baltimore, no i'm in Mobile, AL and will be moving back to Texas at the end of the week.