Best 13mm P7100

we ran a St Joseph pump for a couple years and had lots of problems, Bought a Schied Lightning pump at the end/begining of the 06/07 season and didnt have any problems. just had it on the flow bench two weeks ago and she was still in perfect shape, and we are only running a single feed per schied.

Stay away from pensicola have two or three kids around here with em and they seem to be good paper weights

Well i went with the Scheids pump. Figured i couldnt go wrong. Cant wait to get the truck going. Excited bout my first 13mm!!
Moremph said:
we ran a St Joseph pump for a couple years and had lots of problemsTravis

Hmmmm...seems like I've heard/seen this type of thing once or twice before...*bdh*
Tcolesanti said:
I like the shiny silver one I have.............


Shiny things amuse me! Liek billet turbos!!! I don't remember the specs cause all I was thinking is "man it must be shiny!!!!":hehe:
I have nothing but praise for Brady and Industrial Injection, this thread is nothing more an attempt to Bash. The racing world knows the quality that is Industrial Injection, and the way that they do everything possible to help the customer
I am sorry Greg I disagree, this thread is to inform people, not a bashing thread. I think someone wanted to see where to best put their money.
If II could get there act together in the shipping Dept and send people the right stuff the first time, that would be huge!
Seems to be a WIDESPREAD problem with them...
Greg I respect your ideas, but I beleive that you get special attention from them since your are backed by them and push there products. but for the rest of us nobodys I beleive that we are just another sale and once they have our $, it becomes a gee sorry but......... story and they just write us off.

So when someone asks for strait forward answer ,what do you exspect us to say when we were wronged ??? customer service is everything if they realized that they wouldn't be having this problem.
so despite the custmer service what aboput peformance. i have talked to justin quite a bit and he seems like a great guy that wants to help you get the most power and at a resanible price.
Obviously if they can build it right, it can run very good, but if they mess it up, bad things can happen. Is it worth the risk?
I have II 800 cc pump and it works great and the out put is as advertised.
I did have some little issues that supposedly got past them but I found them, brought it to there attention and they took care of it. The reason I caught it was I had it tested by another shop to verify the pumps calibration, catch any problems, and to make sure I get what I am paying for. You really need to verify what your getting for your money and at this level of performance. It only takes a fuel shop a couple of hours to test it and make sure.
It's amazing how many shops even ones with good reputations are so full of **** when it comes to the numbers that there products put out. I have everything I get checked out, not only to keep people honest but to make sure I got the right part and to make sure there are no other problems before I put that part into service.
So has anyone seized there barrels and plungers on a daily driver, other than Fulmer, which sounds like he had it de-tuned with small injectos and DV due to smoke issues.
Signal 73 said:
If II could get there act together in the shipping Dept and send people the right stuff the first time, that would be huge!
Seems to be a WIDESPREAD problem with them...

i have not had a problem with them, 5 pumps in 2 years plus some other parts.
Red Stroke said:
So has anyone seized there barrels and plungers on a daily driver, other than Fulmer, which sounds like he had it de-tuned with small injectos and DV due to smoke issues.

Ive heard of a few that seized, Im thinking higher RPM and lack of a good fuel additive could do it in a heartbeat wil the ULSD.