Best antifreeze

in ATV's i see people who have run tap water, and after a few years there is always a white scaley build up in the head, radiator and thermostat housing.

i run about 1 gallon of Ethelyn glycol and the rest with distilled water in all of my bikes and both the 24v and the CR. I drop the water once a year, regardless of mileage and i let it flow thru a paper paint funnel filter and i see minimal contaminants ever come out.

Tyler, makes me wonder if the tap water source area has much to do with it? i.e. tap water contaminants like sulfer, lime, etc etc,

Possibly. I always grew up with either a water softener or lived in areas with soft water. Haven't tried it yet with this concrete water we have here. Time for an experiment.
I always mix the cheapest stuff from autozone 50/50 with tap water, and ive never had so much as brown gunk build up.

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Tyler, you definitely have rocks in your water up there. It's hard as nails up in the hill country.

Mike, you won't see an immediate effect of using tap water in a 50/50 mix with your coolant. It will take some time (if it does at all) for the water to emit and produce a calcium film or build up. With hard water, when it's being used at elevated temps (lets say 160*-200*) you're literally going to slowly bake the hard molecules out of the water.
You most likely won't see any sort of 'gunk' in the coolant mix until you drain and flush the block.

We always use either distilled water or catch rain water and filter it before using in the mix with coolant.
Tyler, you definitely have rocks in your water up there. It's hard as nails up in the hill country.

Mike, you won't see an immediate effect of using tap water in a 50/50 mix with your coolant. It will take some time (if it does at all) for the water to emit and produce a calcium film or build up. With hard water, when it's being used at elevated temps (lets say 160*-200*) you're literally going to slowly bake the hard molecules out of the water.
You most likely won't see any sort of 'gunk' in the coolant mix until you drain and flush the block.

We always use either distilled water or catch rain water and filter it before using in the mix with coolant.

I know all about hard water lol. We use to have to clean out our water heater every season with a hammer and chisel. Use to joke about not needing to drink milk LOL