best thing for cleaning chrome wheels???


Apr 24, 2006
Ok guys, i am a lil pissed off. I got my moto metals not to long ago and only have maybe 1500 miles on them. Was washing the truck today and there are some lil spots that won't come out with a rag (not sure if they are lil rust spots or what) I know i have used very fine steel wool on my stacks/tips would it work on the rims???
yeah i use like 0000 fine steel wool and it works great without scratching. then just put some good carnuba wax on after and you are good!
My last wheels I went with Chrome for that reason.....Michigan Winters suck and the salt is brutal on wheels....Chrome is the only way to go.

As sor cheaning them.

Try some Mothers or eagle rim polish and the Power Ball from Mothers
so steel wool, then polish with the powerball then wax??
p.s. what is carnuba wax
I've never had chrome wheels but when I had my Nova EVERYTHING under the hood was chrome (girls like shiny stuff). I would use a mild degreaser like Ajax dish soap and then polish the water spots out with jewlery cleaner. As for getting little spots out I used elbow grease and a green scrubby pad.
Try just a polish first Robert, many wheels have a coating on them to prevent corrosion that steel wool will take off.
ok thanks billy
so is the power ball anygood?? I am going to try to do it up this weekend, i noticed 10-15 of the same lil spots in the front bumper, dang this pisses me off
try a clay bar(and the polish as per billy) on em first before you do all this steel wool crud.
i have heard of the clay bar where can i get it?
should i clay bar then polish??
can i use the clay bar on the bumper to?
clay bar is (just as the name implies) a clay bar that you rub over the surface of the paint (or in this case wheels/bumper) and picks up impurities imbedded therein.

You should be able to get a mothers clay bar (decent, but not the best – certainly more than sufficient for this tho) at wally world. Pick up some QD while youre there to use as lube.

I would clay, then polish, then use a sealant.
Mother's Chrome Polish on their Power Ball will clean up the nastiest of rims. It seems to be less harsh than steel wool. I think chrome polish removed about 8 years of brake dust on my truck.
If you can find it out west a polish called flitz is THE BEST. They invented the "powerball" and mothers poorly copied it. a flitz ball is a syn. chamois that lasts years and the polish will bead saltwater after three months. If there is one thing boats will show you is auto cleaners are watered down crap compared to quality boat waxes and polishes. for polishes flitz and for waxes collinite.
Trust me if a product can keep anything on a boat kept in the ocean alive it will last years on the road.
i don't think flitz is worth a damn. i'd use valco magic mix or "Easy" polish. i've had the best luck with that. it can pull crap out of the clear coat on my wheels.
robbie i'd polish them w/ one of those then go to more abrasive - you gotta be careful with the abrasives!!!
as for wax, i'd put on a polymer instead of a carnauba, the polymers last longer - something like a zaino, i forget the names of the others - california something? there are a couple out there. there's one for RVs that's supposed to be awesome if i can find the link i'll post it.