Big HT3B 76/87 32cm exhaust

I've got a couple 3b ex. housings and I think 1 extra 26!
Most 3b's I've seen for sale are around $625 new and come with the 26 housings!
I had a 32 on my set that turbolvr built and spoolup wasnt bad. If I go back to twins I will run a 32.
I could do 550 shipped, I am super interested so I will PM you on the 1st to finalize if that will work.
Im running the ht3b as my larger charger in my setup. I have a IJ silverbullet 66 for the smaller. Spools pretty quick. have twin cp3 with ddp 120s. temps dont get to bad either. I like the turbo setup. eventually going bigger for the secondary turbo tho when i get larger injectors and built the bottom end. Good price for turbo. Bump for ya.
good deal consider it sold.

Sorry about that I was talking to the guy wo said he had some spare housings.