big single clutch question


New member
May 27, 2009
i have a 13" valair, i was running it around 400hp, and now around 300hp and it just started slipping yesterday. i can't use anything above pl1 in 5th. is this common for a clutch thats on its way out? if i wrecked my clutch thats fine i have done a few sled pulls in the past. but my truck was just in a shop and a young guy was asking about my clutch, i am worried that he roasted it but have no proof.

i have about 50 000miles on the clutch
any input or ideas?
If it is ceramic and started slipping then it probably needs replacing. They usually don't start slipping until they have gotten really hot very recently. Call Dan and I am sure he will get you set up with a new clutch for a great price!
i have done a few sled pulls with it the last one in augest, so i asumed if it was from that it would have died sooner not now
my 13" only lasted 20,000 miles, and I have no drag or sled passes on it.
Dan got me a great deal on a heavier 13" cause I was pretty much broke, I would love to put a DD in but dont have the funds for it
If you have 50k on any single disc that you've pulled with consider yourself lucky.
why dont you go double disk this time around? just wanderin, i cant decide if i want a dd or bi single, is there downfalls to gettin a dd if your towing or daily driving in trafic or anythin like that?
o yes i will be going at least double this time around, i just felt it died early but maybe not i did get 6 pulls in it so as posted maybe i was pushing my luck.
thanks for the replies
I have a 3850 dd and love it. No differnt driving it on the street than my stock, other than it doesn't like low rpms in 3rd and above.
dang you got miles on your single i got around 30000 and it was a great single now i am running valair 3850dd and wont go back so much easier to drive well worth the upgrade

o i also drag raced and sled pulled and boost launches on valairs single. I put it to the test and held up great
I got a question again, is there somthing wrong with towing with a double disk? I dont understand why anyone would go with a single disk? what are the pros and cons of each? (price difference aside)
DD dont release as fast as singles. They can be a pain to shift, sometimes its faster and easier to just shift without the clutch.
I know alot of people that don't like the rattle of DD the more miles the louder it gets I love it I actually had 2 singles but they released to fast tryin to back a trailer sucked but dd is better
ya your luck to get 50k i got about 5k out of both of my valair fe clutches now i have a sbc dd
Ya DD is the way to go IMO if you want to make it last and hold some abusive driving
i like the rattle of a DD, the looks you get never gets old lol

i got about 24k(right at a year) out of my 13" ceramic valair, i cant remb the plate load it was the bigest one they make. it started slipping and lasted 300 miles befor it ot so hot that it broke 2 pucks off, it splid the disk at the vents between the pucks. talk to dan he will work with you and make him a good deal.

as far as towing with a double, i tow with a cermic 3850 DD with no problems its way smoother than my single valair.