Biggest Common Complaints about your Ford

i have a 2007 rclb f250. i love it but the stock radio isnt the best in the world. other then that, i love my truck.
Not enough power, but I'm working on that. LOL

Had the headgaskets and turbo replaced. Could have been out of my pocket.
my trucks personally i have no complaints except my new 06 has a lil bit of the death wobble, i do wish ford would have put in more/stronger headbolts but i love my fords :}
Front bumpers are cheap azz crap . You touch em and they turn into pretzels!

Bottom door gaskets can only support 20lbs of frozen crap from the front tire spray in the winter...poor design .
Old trucks are better

Can't get a tranny to hold up behind the mighty 7.3

TTB front end would be my next complaint, not really an issue other than it doesn't like a snowplow on it.

my bumpers are plenty tuff:poke:
nothing that couldnt be fixed with fire rings, studs and block off plate

03 4x4 crew 6.0
I agree with everything but the bumper or at least 05, dodge intrepid backed in to me and did over 6k dmg to her car, crumpled back almost 2-1/2 ft. Barely left a dent on my trucks bumper. I would add tranny solenoids, dealing with incompetent service techs, and ford themselves.
I have had really anything wrong with my pickup. The only thing I have troubles with is the vents rattle a little, but other than that it is a great pickup!!!
crappy valeo clutch, cps, weak factory hpop.
1999.5 F-350 4X4 6-speed.
2005 6.0 egr,and the poor service from the ford dealerships.
CPS on the 7.3. I have lost only 1, but it happened at a really bad time. I worked a 18 hour day, it was 8am in heavy surface street traffic. It went out in the middle of an intersection. Pushing that truck when I was dead tired was no fun at all.
Other than that 1 thing, both of my trucks have been near perfect.
05 auto 4x4

HPOP took a dump on a trip from NY to TX stuck for a week in Arkansas with some horrable service from FORD's dealership and on the phone with the rep. Headgaskets pooed and replaced at my cost along with ATS H-11 studs. Front main seal went out after 2 months of purchasing the truck and now again after 2 years of purchasing the truck. The florida dealership that replaced the front seal also some how cut through the raditor so also had that replaced.