Bigr throws down 736hp in Vegas!!!

You're welcome Mikey.

I would have waited for you to post but I saw BB put it on the dramastop after Joey called me so I wanted to spread the news. I was so excited!

Joey told me to guess and I said "730", He's like holy crap you're close it was 736.

Congrats man. Can't wait to see what she cracks off in the 1/4 (with matching gears this time LOL )
It just looked like gregrob had some link to the bat phone by reading this thread at first lol I just got the call :) well mikey I think you will get your 11s and high 700s with HP before summer is out.

Greg why you firing at bb anyway man and I am starting to see why luke wants to beat you up :) don't hate just appreciate and I was one of the few to defend you then you fire on my shop :( what is the world coming to.
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