Billy madison

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no i decided to give it a shot. And thanks for picking the avatar i was too busy to select one myself i was tired of cf honestly. you try to ask a question and either you get a bad answer or no reply .
no i decided to give it a shot. .


It sure seems like you're trolling for dudes, doesn't seem like conduct becoming a "president" to me.

At least hide your spamming thread in the members only section next time.

Oh, and "fack" you too.

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And you didnt bother to post ! You could have atleast told me to fack myself or told me that my momma doesnt love me
Like baseball bats?
Thanks guys for the semi warm welcome. i guess i'll actually post pics up of my rig. It's a work in progress but its hard to find time when you work 48 hours a week


So 3 bottsr weirdos? 2 are presidents? Odd. Especially that schlong comment
eh, its kinda like a be your own prez thing... 72 buick riv with a 24v what made you wanna do that ?
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