Black Ice on the Street

makes me proud to wear my free pure diesel power t shirt! you my friend, are a piece of work! (i did the same thing w my dually in front of my buddies shop, but im gonna have to go redeem myself now!)
ya just another day at work, rigth garret. we do have a couple more things to test out, how did you know about the six wheels?
o some times ya can just hear it cummin, and six wheels were singin out to be tried after those pics, amazing shot with the smoke in a couple of those pics.
i like your closed course, i have a my own private test track, where i once started my tires on fire, but i didn't put the hammer down, after i let off the brakes, but i'll have try that technique after i get some peak ic boots so they stay on while im testing out my delivery valves. too bad my boost gauge only reads up to 60 :(
I dare Scott to unhook the front drive line and do that. :hehe:
Nice garrett. Glad to see the truck running GOOD. Tell diva to quit picking on you. If not next time she's in indiana she's going to get a wooping. Lol. "You'll have that in them small farming communities"
Nice garrett. Glad to see the truck running GOOD. Tell diva to quit picking on you. If not next time she's in indiana she's going to get a wooping. Lol. "You'll have that in them small farming communities"

Bring it on Bell!! Kim said you're going DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNN!:hehe:
dang that looks good!!! you do a better job paving the road than the co. workers do!!!