blowby increases when hot


dick doggin
Jul 23, 2007
doesn't burn any oil but a lot more smoke pressure out of the breather. friends 24 v truck. slight loss of power top end...says It still runs great cept for the blowby once its good and hot

broken ring?
doesn't burn any oil but a lot more smoke pressure out of the breather. friends 24 v truck. slight loss of power top end...says It still runs great cept for the blowby once its good and hot

broken ring?

Wouldn’t think a ring would change with heat. A crack would open with heat.
I have an '03 commonrail doing something similar.
Cold, no issues, no mist, oil cap sits on the hole with no movement, warms up and the oil cap dances, BUT I find it has a slight VACUUM at idle.
I'm thinking it's a cracked piston, or a lightly scored or worn bores.

Engine has over 400k on it.

cracked piston was a thought as well..
jf I was thinking the ring was broken and I would just leak more as it warmed up
has no oil or water except where its supposed to be....