
With the restrictive little 9cm exhaust housing and how it drives the turbine/compressor to get that much boost, wastegate locked down closed like a liquor store on sunday morning, it's gotta have some headbolt strechin' drive pressure. I can't even read this thread to my head gasket without it blowin'..
Just another reason I dont want to get really crazy^^^^ Cause if I do pull the head im gonna o-ring it just cause I can. Then prob try to port on our CNC mill and who knows what. I'll just stick with what I got so far. For the rest,:ft:

Sup Clunk, we chasin each other around the forums or whatLOL
With the restrictive little 9cm exhaust housing and how it drives the turbine/compressor to get that much boost, wastegate locked down closed like a liquor store on sunday morning, it's gotta have some headbolt strechin' drive pressure. I can't even read this thread to my head gasket without it blowin'..

LOL Surprisingly i didn't touch the wastegate on that charger. Never blew a head gasket with it either. Daily driver too!!:rockwoot:
saw that. this can be a touchy place. especially in late winter, we've all had enough bs and are rearing to go, testosterone is maxed out, fuses are short.
i've never heard of 48psi out of an hy35. With my 100hp nozzles and HY, i made between 30-35 psi. With the hx35 i can make close to 50 though, but like they said, it's just hot air after about 35psi.
my buddy has a 99 with a comp hot and 100 horse injectors and reguraly pushes 40 to 45 with no problem
i've hit 55psi on an HX35, it hit 40psi almost every freaken day for 6 months. lol
I can hit 42psi when my clutch holds though sometimes the poor lil turbo squeals lol.