Bought a truck, 167 miles later it spun a bearing.

With many engine builders, the warranty stops when the title changes hands. Hopefully that isn't the case here.

I saw this on CF where the PO started some Red Flag threads about this truck. I hate that you didn't come across them. Sorry about your luck, and hope it turns out ok.
with the oil pressure good for the amount of time before it went to bad, i would say the seller probably couldn't have known there was a problem, the engine may have warrenty from the builder, did you get all the receipts from the seller

I have to agree with this. You can't hide a spun bearing. Dude should man up and accept the 50/50 split. That's the right thing to do.
On the helpful side you most likley only spun a rod bearing and might be able to get it repaired with just a crank and a rod.
You need to check Ohio state law in regards to purchasing vehicles from a private party. Some states don't allow an "As Is" clause, Mass being one of them. If you sell a used vehicle, there is a 30 day period where if something happens the seller can be on the hook for the repairs (once again this is in Mass).

Would be worth looking into.

From what your builder has found, corners were definitely cut in building that "new" engine.