brake issue


Jul 9, 2006
kinda at a lose maybe because there is something about the dodge ram brake system that I don't get but if anyone has any ideas please let me know. a friend of mine with an 01 dodge called me and told me that he has no brakes. so I picked the truck up and sure enough you have to stand on the brakes to stop. he did tell me that his reservoir was low so he put fluid in it. I got it home and couldn't find any external leaks, I went over every in of brake line and no wet spots. I flushed the lines and bled them and he has brakes again. what could have caused this? the only leak he has is between the PS pump and vac pump. is the PS pump res connected to the brake system in some way? I didnt have time to diagnose any further bc he needed the truck back before the snow we just got to plow his lots. he still has brakes. any thoughts?
How much wear do the brake pads have? Just something to check cause if the pads are so worn that there isn't a lot of material left it will require more fluid in the calipers which could take all the fluid out of the reservoir and then suck air down into the lines when trying to brake.
Ask when he last checked the brake fluid, bet the pads are worn pretty good. If it's all wheel disc I can really see it happening.