brass freeze plugs?

Never seen anyone selling brass. Why not aluminum? Everyone and there mom sells them.
No salt water. They are readily available for sbc and bbc, just wondered if anyone has used any. I think I could spend $150 more productively than on aluminum freeze plugs. I am running an electric water pump, so water pressure isn't an issue.
A plug kit for a block is like 20.00 with steel plugs?

I guess the next question is...why Aluminium?
Lol I'm guessing he wanted billet plugs? But if he's gonna run electric water pump then that's kind of a waste...
FWIW I found these dimensions on another forum. Seems to be an odd ball size. The plugs are 58.06 mm which equals 2.285 inches.
jesus guys, I really don't need billet plugs. I will end up making them which will lead to turning out other pointless shiny stuff while the lathe is dirty which will end up burning an entire day that I should be doing something more productive. This is the direction my build has gone all winter lol.