Bringing the fuel in late?


It's beer 30
Feb 8, 2009
After reading some EFI threads and information, I began to think about a few things with a 12V afc setup. I know most competition trucks are heavily overfueled with some choosing to completely delete the afc and run an adjustable plate. I hear pretty often about guys pulling fuel out but what if instead of pulling fuel out all together, you run enough fuel to get lit and running and then bring in the fuel when the truck already is on boost. Bear with me.

What if through the use of a couple hobbs switches, solenoid valves, and a regulator on the afc line you could gradually bring the fuel on. 15-25 psi hobbs switch for preboost keeps the reference line "off", then you have a regulator that you could use as a dial a plate to control fuel to 45-50 psi of boost. Then as a final stage, have either another hobbs switch or manually controlled switch/button to allow full fuel (afc travel).

By doing it this way you can bring on max fuel when the truck is up on boost and there is some heat in the motor. My thoughts were it would prevent overfueling down low/midrange and hurting spool and performance. I may be out of line and this may not make sense but it got me thinking. Thoughts?
You are describing what a properly tuned afc does.
With a regulator you can dial in your rack stop without popping the hood. I just thought it could give a little more control over that spring loaded contraption.
have you considered a progressive rate spring? and holy trying to reinvent the wheel man
Not reinventing the wheel, maybe just polishing the rims.

That’s good. For a minute it sounded like you were trying to overcomplicate a tried and true method of combining experience and a little trial and error in hopes of accomplishing the same result. It’s a relief to know that your hours of research and development will save you from the daunting task of opening the hood a few times. :rolleyes:
Hrs of R&D lol. Although it may ultimately achieve the same thing, it goes about it differently.

If I remember correctly, the thread about the in cab adjustable afc was some kind of electro-mechanical device. I was talking about a cheap air regulator.
How about you build this and put it on your truck and tell us how it works out for you.