cam designs.


Active member
Feb 26, 2008
I want to get started on another block with a deck plate and longer rods. I read a nice article this morning about the changes in geometry and how they affect piston travel, side forces, and power band with the longer rod. Sounds like the camshaft requirements might be slightly different. If you have done any work in this direction I can give you the stroke/rod length numbers and maybe you could let me know if there is a certain cam profile you would recommend. As always, I appreciate your input. PM me if you have a recommendation.
Ron Allen
I've been dying for some data on this...I've heard of the compents availabilty, but never known who has done it.

Thanks again Ron...I live vicariously through your projects!!

Epically posted via Tapatalk...

On the engines we have designed cams for, I have measured piston position vs crank angle to figure out where to place the valve events. Email me the specs an I'll do some figuring, plus I'll need to know where you want your powerband.

Sorry I haven't got back to you. I'm getting our new shop ready and installing the dyno. Call my cell if you have something pressing.
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Considering what a failure this 6.7 build was I won't be sharing details on this one. Hopefully others are smart enough to leave the 6.7 alone.