Cam for mileage and towing.


Active member
Feb 26, 2008
Hello Zach.
I've been having such good results lately from my 5.9 that I'm starting to think about scaling back my plans for the 6.7. I'm thinking about just taking it up to around 500 hp or so and running a less ported head and less aggressive cam(have a 188/220 in the box for it). Do you have something geared more for mileage and towing(and longevity)?

Yes, we are about to do final testing on our 178/208. Which is about towing and economy exclusively. Is the next 30 days soon enough?
ron put that mild version in your ford..
honestly im going to be kind of bummed after all the effort you have put in to only make 5-600 from that thing..
We will do 4bts on the next run in a few months. Right now we just have the 188-220 and 181-210's

Ron, you will have the most overbuilt 500-600 hp 6.7 in the country.

Let me know I'd you want to sell any if the parts.
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I guess over-aired doesn't happen enough to be a coined phrase yet. Yes, one can never be too careful....... 600 hp at 600-700 degrees, you might be the first Ron.
Sorry about the mis-spellings in the last post. These phones and their auto complete.....and my fat fingers.
I guess over-aired doesn't happen enough to be a coined phrase yet. Yes, one can never be too careful....... 600 hp at 600-700 degrees, you might be the first Ron.
Sorry about the mis-spellings in the last post. These phones and their auto complete.....and my fat fingers.

I do wish I hadn't gone with bigger valves on the head though. I'd have already put the ZZFab head on this 5.9 if it wasn't for that. Suppossedly the extra flow doesn't help that much though. I was told not to expect more than 40hp from a major head port. Considering i saw 150hp+ from the first 13mm pump and an additonal 175hp from the new one, 40 ain't worth the cost of the shipping the head once.
We just broke through a wall in the search for fuel economy in our Cummins and Duramax cams. Stay tuned for results on some new cams!
working on it now. This is something I don't want to release unless they are right. I also need to find the load and torque limits of the new gears.

I will get them out ASAP
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