Capless filler neck problems


Diesel Doc
Jul 9, 2008
Anyone ever have problems with their trucks taking fuel? I love my new to me 2013 but I can't stand having to trickle fuel in, having the pump shut off 40 times while I fill the truck, and continuously jumping back into my truck only to find out a couple miles down the road that I hadn't filled it all the way up. Has anyone else had this problem on the newer 4th gens? I have a fleece cap on it so it doesn't get crap in it but it seems like there's a vent that's plugged up or something. Any common problems?

TIA :Cheer:
The only time I had that problem is when I stuck the semi nozzle in mine st the truck stop haha. I had to hold the nozzle half open manually. But I have no problem with regular size nozzles on my 14
If you dont shove the nozzle all the way in it'll do that.
Common problem on gassers I think ESP with more gravel driving. The vent plugs up an will suck the tank in. Need to blow the vent out.
I have to get the truck in and service it so I'll check out the vent when I do that. It is slightly better when I shove the nozzle all the way in but it'll still click off way too early, even if I trickle it in. Drives me nuts! Took me 5 minutes to fuel up the other day and its getting way to F$%*in cold outside for standing around LOL
my old 2013 had the problem. My new 2016 seems to be a lot better