Carbon fiber

Btp 2332

New member
May 3, 2008
Guys whats the best way to keep a carbon fiber hood from fadding? Im sure waxing helps, but how many times a year? Any certain product? Truck stays outside all year long.

Thanks you, Brian
I think we need some pics of this hood. A clear coat with UV protection would help out a lot.
I agree, pictures are a must. Don't wax it, my friend has had a few carbon fiber hoods on his Hondas, waxing them makes the resin flake off.
It came clear coated from the manufacturer. I will get a pic shortly.
Call them and ask if it contains a UV protector. If not I would re-clear it with one.
Hard to get a good pic with the cell and the carbon fiber in the light.


Nothing will keep them from fading, UV blocker just slows it down. Keep it garaged.
Thoughts on using the 3M clear bra stuff they use on the front of the vehicles to keep rocks from chipping them?
Wont help, if you can see though it the sun can too. Something about the carbon fiber itself causes that. Not sure what it is.
Yeah its a vis. I havent takin the other hood off yet and weighed them. Waiting for a guy to get off his arse and paint a roll pan and fiberglass 1pc front bumper cover then I will start swaping stuff. Thanks for the imput tho guys.
It looks killer. Might just have to make a custom cover for the front end or one to wrap the whole truck when not in use.
throw up one of those metal carport canopy's in your driveway

i would say one of the cheap tarp style, but they like to blow over in storms