CCLB Deep Water Blue Outdoorsman?

cummin up short

New member
May 28, 2009
Has anyone seen one or possibly have a picture of one? I know it's a long shot but I'm really thinking about having my buddy paint my truck like an outdoorsman. I'm torn because I love the blue but I kinda feel like its too much on a long bed. I saw one as an avatar on TDR I believe (from a google search) but i'm not a member over there. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, there are two around here, and they look AMAZING! One is kept extremely clean, rarely see it an only on nice days, ie summer. And these are the blue/gray ones, not the monotone with chrome grilles (I believe those were after DWB was killed though)

Do it.
Yep, I want to do the grill shell blue, bumpers grey, and the two tone and flares grey. I think it would like killer and def. be different.

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