Changing an Injector


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I have a knock on the left side, rear of the engine (facing the engine, right side sitting in the cab) It comes and goes frequently and was told by a local diesel mechanic it was an injector. He used a stethoscope to pin point were the knock was coming from and said that since it comes and goes, gets quiet and loud, that that is what the problem was. What I would like to know is what do I need to replace it? some say a special socket, others say to replace a hose that can be brittle? This is my first diesel, I know my way around any gas engine, and Im handy with a wrench in my hand, but Im a little intimidated by this one. Can anyone help me out? Maybe give me a brief walk threw if you have done an injector replacement yourself? Money is tight, and paying someone to do something that I can do is outta the question. Thanks.
1995 Chevy 6.5 T.D.
122,000 miles on rig
70,000 on the engine thats in it
P.S. Tried using Diesel Injector Cleaner threw a tank, made no difference.
ive always used a regular socket! There is 2 return hoses on the injector that u will tear wen u take them off! replace them an there really isnt anything u can mess up! its like a 19 mm wrench for the injector line an i think either a 30mm or a 32mm for the injector!! Definatly do it yourself ! There isnt much to it if u can work on a gas motor u can change an injector on one of these creatures!!
exclamation point or not, that is what I was needing to know, thanks for the help, Ill tackle that this weekend. its supposed to get above freezing so It should be a good day to work out in the driveway. Thanks again....