Choices for duramax camshaft manufacturers?

While i dont do 20-30 Cams a week...LOL

I do have a few dozen out there that make plenty of power. 1900+HP on nitrous and 1600+ on fuel. Also we have grinds for Full Power ABOVE 5000RPM too.

Lets get this one on track, fellas......
OK, next question I dont want a regrind, I want a new billet.. who offers ones...
No Limit will do a true billet that starts as a completely round profile then grind to whatever you want. There are some others out there as well. Due to budget reasons I am just going to stick with my socal 6460. The socal 9100 is another good option. I have experience with this grind in an unlimited single puller. It has no problem running 5000rpm and up.
I offer a 8620 L billet as well as S7 tool steel billets , both are not needed unless you are going to the extreem, in LSA , the stock core is 60 mm and will fit almost any grind.


Wade knows damned well that he is not supposed to be pimping his products and Wade knows damned well the rules of the site. Wade also knows that the moderators on this site know he is a complete douche. For the life of me I cannot figure out how Wade thinks it is acceptable to pimp his products on this site. If I didn't know better I would think that Wade was testing the waters here just to see what he can get away with.

Wade, the next time I or any other mod have to remind you that you are not a sponsor or need to send you to review the site rules yet again I can promise you beyond a doubt that EVERY SINGLE POST YOU HAVE EVER MADE WILL DISSAPEAR along with you from this site. Enjoy your week off. I am sure your blowing Timbeaux's phone up already.

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