Cleaned the truck up finally


Ceritified Kleenex Dealer
Aug 3, 2006
Well after 2 years of simple washes to get ready for pulls, I spent a good 10 hours over 2 days getting my truck clean again.

Did a mini photoshoot with my GF's camera but only got a few decent shots because the sun was right over head, and the area we had to use was not the best, so lots of 'crap' in the background.


Very sharp! Wish the trailer I bought from you a couple years back still looked that good--damn NY winters[laugh]
Sometimes with bright colors like that it works best to shoot them in bright daylight like you did... The magic-hour stuff that some photogs swear by doesn't always produce the best shots especially with bright metallics like your truck! I have shot cover shots at midday with great results!!!

You shots look good.
Looks sharp! I like it!!! (normally I don't like that color as well as the Intense Blue Pearl or Brilliant Blue, but your truck pulls off the Patriot Blue awesome!)