clutch cooling?


New member
May 27, 2009
I want to here some oppions on a system for keeping a clutch cool. ie. very small nitrous spray in bell housing, or just compressed air to move the hot air out while the clutch is being slipped.

maybe its not nessesary but i just want to here ideas what you think would or wouldn't work.
While slipping, clutch facings generate heat faster than it can be removed.
Also extreme hot to extreme cold cycles would that actually weaken/crack the discs?
This was also my first thought.

Also extreme hot to extreme cold cycles would that actually weaken/crack the discs?

The way I see it, the only benefit to cooling the clutch would be for back to back pulls.
The only way it would work is if you could some how keep the flywheel floater plates and pressure plate cool. It would have to be a flow through design, because blowing cold air at it will do nothing. How well would it work if you just blew cold air over your engine to cool it.
-it wouldn't be extreme hot/cold cause you would just be lowering the total peak temp.

-air cooled engines seem to do just fine with cold air being blown at them.

-maybe the pressure plate would need cooling fins for it to work better.
hmmm.... dual disk after a hard pull with a substantial amount of slipping at turbo spool up will get pretty dang hot, how hot i don't know. now hot steel, then spray nitrous on it go boom??? not completely sure if the heat from the friction of the clutch would make it go boom. also if you tried to use it while running it then some dual disc and all triple discs will throw some sparks, then spraying nitrous next to sparks and bad things may happen. not completely sure, just a thought
If its a ceramic dual disc i would say around 900 the buttons will disintegrate.
sintered iron might handle 11-1200. When i was running a dual disc after a hard pull it was difficult to get in and out of gear until it cooled off. the triple disc i currently run doesn't seem to have to much trouble after a hard pull.
You've watched Fast and Furious to much...

No need to be a complete dickhead. that is the reason i said, I DON'T KNOW!!!! thank you for making fun of me.. Ok i'm good now. what i said before was simply a thought, nowhere in that did i say that it would actually happen. i've never dealt with nitrous nor do i plan on it anytime soon, but maybe y'all will actually answer my question. serious question b/c i honestly do not know, if the clutch is say 1100*, nitrous will not catch on fire or anything by spraying it on that 1100* clutch? if someone will answer that without being a smartass i'd appreciate it.
What about a liquid filled bell housing or can, kinda like a clutch in an aquairum :hehe:

i like the way this concept is a joke haha. is the engineer that puts air scoops on a car to direct air onto the front brake rotors dumb?
we use air to cool, ac condensors, engine coolant, engine, charge air, brakes why is it so stupid to wanna cool a clutch a little?

and strokin tatach no nitrous will not ignite
No need to be a complete dickhead. that is the reason i said, I DON'T KNOW!!!! thank you for making fun of me.. Ok i'm good now. what i said before was simply a thought, nowhere in that did i say that it would actually happen. i've never dealt with nitrous nor do i plan on it anytime soon, but maybe y'all will actually answer my question. serious question b/c i honestly do not know, if the clutch is say 1100*, nitrous will not catch on fire or anything by spraying it on that 1100* clutch? if someone will answer that without being a smartass i'd appreciate it.

You haven't seen me be a dickhead yet:D

And nitrous isn't flammable. It's nitrogen (inert) and oxygen (fuels a fire, but doesn't burn) That's chemistry, not drag racing...

I literally laughed out loud when I saw your post because I'd just made my facebook status something about nitrous not exploding regardless of what Vin Diesel taught you:hehe:
i like the way this concept is a joke haha. is the engineer that puts air scoops on a car to direct air onto the front brake rotors dumb?
we use air to cool, ac condensors, engine coolant, engine, charge air, brakes why is it so stupid to wanna cool a clutch a little?

and strokin tatach no nitrous will not ignite

Yes, we use air to cool all those things...but at 30mph, the gains and cooling effect are negligible.

Compressed air will take a LOT of air to cool a, either put a 100 gallon tank in the bed, or a big compressor...I highly doubt either will be worth the effort.

My bet is, that the time would be better spent looking for materials that hold up better, or figuring out a way to slip the clutch, making more power for example.
