Clutch issues


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Anyone use the southbend 3250 dual disk conversion clutch for zf6 and have issues of it fully realeasing? Tried new master and slave, have upgraded dodge will,work once the first time you start up the truck after that its a pain to go from first to reverse and its creeps if you don't hold the brake.mthisis my second clutch from sb in 3 yrs and I don't sled pull or drag race and both don't work worth shiiiiis.
I literally just had the same problems with my Kenny's triple disc. There was actually a part of the pressure plate that was rubbing on the inner part of the bellhousing. I didn't slip the clutch, but when I pulled it out, it was bluing and the clutch discs and intermediate plates were just barely warped. My problems were that it would not go into gear unless I slipped it a bit then quickly threw it into the desired gear. Granny gear and reverse were impossible to get into and 2nd, 3rd, and 5th were very very tough. I thought I was going to beak the shifter. When I tried to put it into 2nd, it would grind the gears very bad. The truck would also drift forward at red lights even with the clutch pedal all the way in. It didn't seem like it was disengaging. I ended up sending it back (only had 600 miles on it) to Kenny. He re machined the pressure plate, threw new intermediate plates in, and resurfaced the flyewheel/plate and clutch discs. He was convinced the warping that had occurred, was the culprit for the clutch not disengaging. No one or nothing can be said for certain though. I would call Kenny or SBC and see if they have any other ideas or are willing to help you out and take a look at it. Kenny took care of me, NO questions asked. Got me back on my feet in just over a week. Good luck to you man. I hate problems like this because usually you can't pin point one thing in particular and its also a pain in the butt to pull everything and get it back in. btw: my rig was a 95 12V dodge with an nv4500 but your fummins should be a similar setup