cold here this A.M.


Smoke show
Dec 12, 2008
Well got the call from a bud this morning! D-max driver, fuel Gel. It was -18 here. So had to round up some tools rags and went and got a new fuel filter for him. I also decided to Fire up the Cummins for the rescue mission.:rockwoot: This is definatly my high light of the day!!:ylsuper::ylsuper::ylsuper:
-18 F that is cold. Even colder than here... if you can find a product called Power up. It is an amazing antigel. I have gelled up a few times (cause I am not very good at being proactive) and that stuff will un-gel my truck everytime.

BTW, it is -24c here right now. -36 with windchill. (-19f = -28c) truck starts that cold without grid heaters or being plugged in.

Run a little powerservice in those cold months....keeps the filtters from cold fouling.
My duramax started fine this morning a 7F without glowplugs or an intake heater.

How about global warming?
-27F here last night without the wind. Cummins running like a champ all night.
I did the Grid heater delete on my truck and it has not affected the starting yet. But in the same note I plug it in at night it does not need to be but all the engine parts sound a whole lot better already being warm. When I go some were and parked for an extened period of time not pluged in it starts just fine even when the temps are hanging around
Just because it starts in cold weather, that doesn't mean it likes it. Block heaters for the win.
-41 with wind here this morning... I am fairly sure my 6.0 wouldnt have started without being plugged in.. but plugged in it started like a champ
The fuel in my truck had bad manners this morning. I stopped for fuel and put a splash of degel in it before filling and then it acted better. Thermometer showed single digits again.
My gas car turned over a little slow this am. I suspect it is because of the slightly higher compression since I put on some reman heads that had been cut.
Oh BTW it started like a champ. The mega cab and puller just sit in the garage this time of year, and take turns with the trickle charger. :)
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Just because it starts in cold weather, that doesn't mean it likes it. Block heaters for the win.

Garage FTW! Although when I stay up in the mountains over the weekend she starts fine with no grid heater at -17.
Mine will lope idle and white smoke a little with my grid heater MIA and not plugged in. Was 25 yesterday morning, I would hate to see -18
I like a garage myself, but in my experience the truck has a better chance of freezing up when it sleeps in a heated shop, then hits the cold.

I've been lucky enough to never have my truck freeze up. But all of my diesel comes from the truck stop and their fuel is treated for that reason.