Compd gathering???


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Nov 21, 2010
Seeing as how a large amount of us will be there is there any sort of compd gathering of sorts? Ie not at Burlington. Maybe within the grounds where the douchery is kept at bay a little better.
Damn, I was going to start a thread like this awhile ago.

I was thinking a Thurs night kick off party just like TS, that would be such a bad ars way to get SDX started.
Ill be there Friday through Sunday but don't let me stop ya from having something Thursday haha. However, I agree we need somethin. We have to distinguish ourselves from the fricken sea of idiots. Heck we don't have this many of us in one place very often if ever.

Rule number 1: if you drive around like a drunk idiot your not invited or we get to kick you in the nuts. Hard and often.
Can I bring my wife's lesbian limo?? It runs on gasoline and has soccer mom stickers to boot.

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Can I bring my wife's lesbian limo?? It runs on gasoline and has soccer mom stickers to boot.

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I can bring my wifes gasser limo. We can do a fuel economy/fun/bumper pull/street race soccer mom challenge... :poke:
Yes. It's encouraged. We can use it as camo. As long as it doesn't have stacks and burn oil. That could blow out cover. Smoke attracts them.
I'll be there Saturday, bout an hour drive away, can't afford to stay all weekend like I planned.
Really wish I could make it, but I gotta work

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I would be down! Maybe just me amd my wifes gas guzzling 7 passenger suburban! Lmao! Comp dd shirt disscount so we can wear them!!
One of the members here has the Caddy Limo with a 6bt Cummins in it.
What better way to be pimp, than in a Caddy Limo that rattles? :D


I plan on being there. I'll have my comp d swag on with a beer in my hand! Wouldn't mind meeting a few of you old fuggers.:Cheer:
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I think we would need to either look at the schedule of events or just plan to meet later in the night so we don't miss anything