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Are the bull haulers still for sale?

Western Pennsyltucky Check! LMAO

You ready for the Sunday beating your team is going to get? hahaha

I wish I could make it up but I cant. Go cheer for me!
I don't care if anyone here calls him to buy his stuff. Just no need for more "for sale only" members, especially ones that act like asses.

im just wonderin....... i mainly get on here to look at the classifieds if thats all i do im not welcome on here is that corect????
Looking at the classifides is ok until you act like a phucking douche like dickless over there.
I don't care if anyone here calls him to buy his stuff. Just no need for more "for sale only" members, especially ones that act like asses.


I understand and completely agree.. Just stating because I figured someone would text him to give him hell. :kick:
what do i need to do to get banned around here? I'm so jealous
im just wonderin....... i mainly get on here to look at the classifieds if thats all i do im not welcome on here is that corect????

No issues at all with that. But if all you're on here to do is sell stuff (all of this guy's posts were sale ads) then you're a LOT less welcome. If you act like an ass on top of it then well.....

Ordinarily he probably wouldn't have gotten banned but the number of people signing up for the sole purpose of selling stuff seems to be increasing a lot lately, so time to start nipping it in the bud.

a sympathy ban just to make me feel better won't cut it... and somehow I think El'Rondo wouldn't appreciated it if I got the SunCoast sponsored name banned from CompD LOL
you could be added to next weeks list....just a thought, gives you a fighting chance to be banned. LOL
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