cracked radiator


New member
Apr 22, 2006
noticed a small amount of coolant in front of my driver side tire and found that there are a three 1/4" long hairline cracks on the side tank of the radiator. What is a cheap way to fix this? Does the leak stop work and if it does will it do any damage to the rest of the cooling system? Or is there something I can do from the outside that is easy to do. FUNDS are really tight so I need something that will work for now till I can really get it fixed.

:thankyou2: in advance
Same thing happened to mine. Under pressure the coolant would come out pretty good. Only way to fix it is replace the radiator although I guess you could try some of the temporary fixes but I would get it fixed as soon as you can.
I have my radiator for sale from my 01, shipping would be a bear though from Nebraska...
Yeah thanks guys, I will try the leak stop for now. It does not leak that bad right now, when money permits I will get it fixed, thanks anyways.