

New member
Apr 28, 2006
Where is the best place to get new stock crank? and what does one run?

I can get one from Mopar Parts for $1,094.80

Any specific year better then the other ?

Looking to do this:


I have one in my garage for an 03 common rail that is all yours if you need it bud. Foooor Freeeee!
What happened to that one?

Its been weighted, id say from the looks of it about 40 to 60 lbs worth. On sledpulling it helps keep your momentum up so you wont loose your RPMs so fast. But it does take a little more to get it spinning... :ft: I dont really think Scott will have any problem with that... :Cheer:

Why the change Scott? If it ain't Broke don't fix it. Or have I missed something here?
Scott cracked his block.... so hes trying to fix whats broken.

Jerrod, Dale turned us on to southern Illinois Crank.

So is there any specific differences between the years i.e. Comon rail/VP, first/second/third gen, manual/auto? which would be the best base crank to start with? or is it like an old girl friend once told me, once you have seen one crank you have seen them all :)

New Cummins Parts = Snedge (Jeff @ Mumau Diesel);)

He's got the hookup for Cummins parts!
Hey Scott , Jeff @ Mumau Diesel Would Get You Hooked Up With A New Crank For A Good Price. Also EEP Does Weighted Crank's 2,200 Plus Core If Im Not Mistakin. (They Add 30lbs To There's)

Southern Illinois Crank 25lb for $1650.00 that is useing your crank.

Needs to be 2nd gen 12v crank. Needs gear and pin for it as well if it isn't allready on there.
Jerrod, Dale turned us on to southern Illinois Crank.

So is there any specific differences between the years i.e. Comon rail/VP, first/second/third gen, manual/auto? which would be the best base crank to start with? or is it like an old girl friend once told me, once you have seen one crank you have seen them all :)


Scott, if you get a chance call Reb, they are going a different route ;)
I havent got Brent on the phont to talk to him yet. Louisville was last week and i'm sure he's busy.
Can you elaborate a little more Adam? PM?
Geeze I'll take a free crank and even pay shipping. Any takers?