

New member
Aug 10, 2009
Ok Im pretty familiar with the 12V have had my swap done for over a year. Now I want a P-pump 24V. My question is (I have been reading till my eyes bleed) what are you guys doing with the crossovers? The consensus I am getting is 50/50. Some of you drill your crossovers and then some of you don't even mention them at all. Could someone please fill me in on this drilling procedure and what is the reasoning behind it? Thanks
Leave them alone. The stockers can flow more than enough for pretty much any power level.
I run stock cr ones and they work fine. I never got an answer from anyone either
Ok I leave them alone Just asking cuz Ive seen some places advertise injectors and if your engine number is below a certain number you have to get bigger ones
Do what? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I've seen some doozies on this site.
Ok I leave them alone Just asking cuz Ive seen some places advertise injectors and if your engine number is below a certain number you have to get bigger ones

Are you sure you are not mistaking the "bigger ones" with the one time use only ones that don't seal right with new injectors on serial number 56462597 and below?
Some guys drill them to remove the edge filters or to match them with line size. I have .093 lines so I wanted .093 tubes. Does it make a difference in power? That IDK.$.02
Ok I leave them alone Just asking cuz Ive seen some places advertise injectors and if your engine number is below a certain number you have to get bigger ones

I recall seeing something to the engine number being a certain serial number, not for sure it was size related that required the replacement or not.
Its all good fellas!!!! It was the ones that Tractorguyacb was talking about. I just cant remember where I read it at. I have .093 conversion lines coming and I was just gonna match my crossovers with the lines but if they dont need to be done then I will leave them
Back when I was running a SO VP I always would airlock the pump after a hard pull and 200hp injectors, I drilled out the edge filters and never had a problem again.

Now after the P-pump swap, I run .084 lines and tubes. I can say for sure there is a power difference. In my head, I feel it's easier on the pump.

I also have an automatic, and I notice no loping or weird idle conditions. So all in all I'm happy with my setup.