Cummins Power badges


Uncommon CR problemed
Jul 15, 2007
Where does one

find the old school silver cummins power badges? I dont want the ones with the C, or the ones found on a third gen.. just something different..


last year i got a prise from the local dodge dealer for the decails for a 2nd Gen truck they still had them, not sure if they do now ur not but its worth a try, go to ur local dodge dealer and ask! i think they were $50 CAN thats for one!! good luck !!
man, that's a whole lot of badge... we have those on the ignition boxes on our 8.3GTA's

I've never really seen the need for more than the factory badge to let people know what engine is under the hood, but to each their own I guess
I have the ones that are chrome and say Cummins Power There about 6 inches long and 2 inches high there brand new make me an offer.
Where I work all of the Harlo forklifts with a 4cyl cummins have the cummins power badges so you might check the harlo dealer and see if they can get them or I can check to see if I can get them if you would like let me know.
if anyone else has one of those badges I'm looking for one/ Have about 6 of the C power badges if needed.